Monday, September 23, 2019

Purple Is Important..

By Denise Turner, ASID, CID, CMG

“Austere, formal, serious, moody, somber, shy. The heart meets the mind. Blue’s control matches red’s power. There are moments when nothing should happen and events stand still. This is the mood of violet” -Jean Bourges 

Purple Associated with: spiritual matters, royalty, magic, mystery, the ethereal area between sky and heaven. Darker purples are viewed as regal and intellectual, where lighter purples (often called violet) are romantic and light-spirited. 
Purple fascinates and intrigues. It is the most powerful wavelength of the rainbow. It rarely appears in nature, but when it does, there’s an element of surprise. Some examples of purple’s surprising appearances in nature include on delicate alpine flowers, iridescent butterfly wings, or pearlescent jelly fish.

Throughout history, purple has symbolized magic, mystery, creativity, spirituality, and a connection to a higher source. 

Science has proven that our ancestors were onto something and intuitively knew about purple’s power. Purple has the most visible wavelength of electromagnetic energy and is closest to x-rays and gamma rays. These features, combined with its rarity, could also explain why purple is linked to supernatural energy and the cosmos.

The words purple and violet are often used interchangeably, even by those of us who work with color for our business. There are a lot of different opinions on the differences between the two. In other words, there is very little difference. Technically purple is classified as a “cool color” even though it contains red. It tends to be the hardest color for the eyes to discriminate. 

Darker purples are viewed as regal and intellectual, whereas lighter purples (often called violets) are romantic and light-spirited. 

Here are some interesting purple findings! Tests on individuals with the galvanic skin response, showed that violet, like red, was more emotionally arousing than cooler greens. The redder the purple, the hotter and more passionate it becomes, and the more it takes on the traits of red’s strength and excitement. Just like red, red-violet is also an advancing color. Blue-purples take on the serene qualities of dark blue. But unlike red-violet, blue-violet is a receding color. 

Downside: Purple isn’t everyone’s favorite color. But before you say no to this royal hue for your home, consider using a variation of purple. There are many shades of purple that work well in specific areas. As a powerful color with the highest frequency in the visible spectrum, it can can bliss you out more quickly than any other color.

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